7-021: Illuminator – Witnish system
At the Meeting
Erin seems to appreciate his words and almost skips as she heads down the corridor ‘to have an early Bluevening’.
“Nanny said we could have liberty at Witnish, that means you too. Don’t forget the thing about all work and no play!”
On 211.361 at BR01, as Oliver is leaving his office at the end of his work shift, Chris is standing outside leaning against the corridor wall with his arms folded.
“No backsies, Ollie.”
Argyle’s Notebooks
I’ve been assuming he can write a program that will give him a bonus to his rolls to figure out what IT Blobs do, which can sometimes improve the time taken to do that work. Based on what we said earlier, I’ve been working on a basis that he can get through an average of 20 books a day and spend a Job programming. Now he’s into the task, he can estimate the programming time. He can have changed his mind about priorities during the trip and trade priorities if you wish He could also stop programming and move straight onto the blob research, without programming to get a bonus to the roll.
A Job of programming = 10 books = a Job of research.
Operating on the assumptions above, when Chris ambushes him, he will have read 179 books and estimates he has 6 to 7 Jobs of programming remaining. His rough estimate of research time is a minimum of 40 Jobs to research the remaining IT Project blobs, plus an unknown quantity of additional time to check the other blobs, should he wish to do so.
Question: In what order is he reading the books?
Is there any point where the mess gets so busy that people may have to spontaneously share tables?
“I’m sure you’re well aware that sometimes work can be play too.”
Rolled an 11 this time. With a gentle sigh, Oliver will nod his head to whichever direction the mess is. “Alright, let’s go.”
Well in that case he’ll stick to his regular schedule. Do you need rolls for the program?
If there’s evidence of topics bleeding into others he’ll read chronologically through them all. Otherwise he’ll read by date by topic, going with whichever topic comes chronologically. So if Engineering books come first he’ll read all of those, then whichever topic started earliest again he’ll move onto next.