6-350: Merchant Freighter Spanial

Gregar seems a little uncertain given Jennie hasn’t said anything, says he can take it if she likes, but then puts Karmen through to Lia anyway.

When the channel opens, Karmen says, “Lia?  Jennie’s put you to work I see.  Please be advised that shuttle Hio expects to be returning to the Spanial with an ETA of RB08 next cycle.  Please ask Jennie to undock and put Spanial into a prograde orbit at +15° equatorial inclination by no later than RB06.  Prepare the hold for a small cargo unload from the shuttle and one passenger.  Is there anything I should know about while we’ve been off ship?”

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia takes note of everything Karmen is saying, especially about the orbit and times advised.

    “Jennie and I worked out a loose arrangement so she could spend some time off ship.”

    There’s a slight pause.

    “Actually, I attended a party last night with a client and I ran into someone I believe you’ve heard of – Zayaire. I came into some information about him and his… personal dealings which may influence your… current venture…”

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