6-343: Merchant Freighter Spanial

Jennie decides to wake Prrri, and the sleepy looking Felline joins them in the Common Room wearing his breathing mask.

They take seats around a table Jennie has configured and look at Lia expectantly.

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    For convenience, let’s say Lia tells them what she heard Zayaire say to Aston and everything Adler told her the night before.

    “So it would seem that Karmen’s deal is solid but she’s going to be working for a disgusting parasite who is using the Spanial and it’s crew to fund his nasty little habit.”

    She makes a face and shudders slightly.

    “I’m only a passenger, not a part of your crew but I thought you should all be informed about the kind of person Zayaire is. It’s your choice who you take jobs from and I have no right to influence that but if I can do anything to help Adler take Zayaire down, I’d like to do so.”

    She watches them carefully; unsure if she’s crossed a line.

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