6-297: Administration Bureau Executive Conference Facility

Zayaire heads towards the better-lit part of the room to a group of young Legionnaires where an older florid and heavy-set high-ranker seems to be holding court in a loud voice and laughing at his own jokes. 

As Winta steers him, Aston laughs out loud.

“How did Farbello put it? Allow me to reject a presumptive fallacy.

“Zayaire is not really my friend.  I don’t think he has any actual friends.  I though he was once, but now we just leverage our relationship from HighEd to keep up appearances for when we want things from each other.”

His voice sounds a little sad.

“The best thing I can say about him as far as trust is that he seems to be what we call an Honest Bureaucrat, by which I mean when he takes a bribe he stays bought, and his information, like his tip tonight, has always been good.”

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia is quiet as they stroll. Her face is unchanged.

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