6-272: Administration Bureau Executive Conference Facility

Observation:  No, she’ll have to do better than that (her back was turned to where he was looking and the glances were brief); the only thing she could say is that one of those glances was toward the birthday guest’s direction.

Vizier Farbello frowns, “While I admire your…I suspect ‘professional ethics’ might be the correct term, I am seeking… a more complex response,” he raises his voice to include Aston, “Both or neither, I’m afraid.  Besides, there’s neither quid pro quo nor…frisson… if I can choose my own truth.”

He raises his eyebrows questioningly at Winta and Aston.

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will narrow her eyes slightly before turning to Aston and raising her eyebrows questioningly. She won’t say anything but her expression will convey that this is basically his choice. She is curious to see if the temptation of a truth from the Vizier is enough to tempt him.

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