6-225: Administration Bureau Executive Conference Facility

“That…is easier said than done.  He has resources beyond what his official position would suggest.”

She begins a gesture toward him, cutting it off half way and finishing up holding her drink with both hands, “I mentioned his dates before.  You know he has a small team that actually locate prospects for him?  They sound them out, clean them up, put them on a payroll for a while, which is better than basic income for these girls, they give them a crash course on how to behave in high society and then when he needs one they deploy her for the night with promises that if she impresses him she could become a wealthy kept woman.  Then when he’s done they drop her back in the slums; problem cases get shipped off-world so they can’t be an embarrassment.

“He has eleven unaccepted children that I know of.”

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia’s nostrils flare slightly and the muscles in her jaw tense briefly. These are the only outward signs of anything going on beneath the surface.

    “Does he now…”

    Her voice has become dangerously soft.

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