6-153: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Common Room
Lia can give Jennie the visitor’s pass to the hotel room she has obtained earlier from reception. Jennie nods at the reminder and again reminds Lia that she has her beeper if needed, and nods at the Zayaire information.
Shortly after Jennie’s departure, when Lia is in the Common Room readying her breakfast the door opens.
“Gxreeeningxss Llia,” says Prrri as he pads in.
Ok. Bunches of important questions.
I’m guessing that with Lia’s Xenophilia disadvantage, she has sought out interactions with quite a number of Felline through her life. Are they tactile? After a month on ship with Prrri would a hug be appropriate? Also, is it possible she might have learned a Felline greeting?
I’m basically trying to guage how much info she has gleaned about his people in order to figure out appropriate reactions/interactions. Lia will lean towards the overly familiar due to her fascination. I am assuming she has adopted Prrri as her favourite person on ship…