6-044: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Control Room

Rather than opening at her touch, the door to the Control Room emits a tone when she presses the button.  A few moments later, it opens and she hears, Captain Karmen invite her to come in.

The Control Room of the Spanial is a narrow, functional space with three acceleration couches and work stations facing away from the door.   

The decor is a functional palette of grey.  There are actual viewports opening onto a vista of stars in front of the work stations, but they tend to be partially blocked by video screens.  In any case, Lia would know that it is actually her head that is pointing toward the direction of travel; and, some time later this Cycle, the ship will undergo ‘turnover’ after which her feet will be pointing toward their destination as the ship decelerates.

Captain Karmen rises from the centre seat and turns to greet her.  Karmen gestures to the rear corner of the room and touches a button, causing a small table and two bench seats to fold down from the rear wall.

“Please, have a seat, Lia.”

Karmen sits against the far wall. It may be worth noting that Karmen is in her casual gear and Lia is far more dressy than she. Lia can say something at this point, or Karmen will go on.   


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia likes clothes and jewellery, so much though she will generally try to blend with the style on board ship, sometimes she feels like dressing things up a little. Especially if she has a piece of jewellery she wants to wear.

    She is very curious about what Karmen wants…

    She raises her eyebrows and moves to sit opposite her.

    “Should I be nervous?”

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