5-192: Oliver’s apartment


Erin seems a little disappointed but shrugs and all the others pile into a travel pod heading for the The Green Cow.

I’m going to give you a Star for playing Oliver’s Loner disadvantage and doing so in an amusing way.  (I was imagining a Family Guy-style flashback…)

Oliver calls a travel pod for himself and returns to his apartment.   

Reporting to Felicity

How much detail is he going into in is report to Felicity?  Is he omitting or adding anything in particular?  At what time is he going to transmit it to Felicity?  (I’ll say it’s about GG06 when he returns to his apartment, depending on detail it could take from a Task to a Job to write up.)


The Glasses

He can spend the rest of Green Shift or the start of Blue Shift working on his glasses prototype.  As it was he was nearly done while he was on the ship, either way he will have the hardware component complete before bed time.  He can link these to his PDA or laptop (or his pistol) and use them as a HUD without doing any more work.  He will need to use either a narrow cable or short range infra red to do that.

We didn’t discuss it previously, but does he want to build a radio link into the glasses?  Whatever you decide I’ll say he can have done.  A radio receiver is technically legal but highly suspicious.  A radio transmitter is illegal.  With no radio he’ll need a cable or an infrared transmitter as, noted above, from PDA or Laptop.  An infrared transmitter has to be line-of-sight.

A receiver only will allow him to transmit data from a device for him to view (but that transmitter will be illegal.)  His new PDA has a burst transmitter installed by the Legion.

A transmitter will allow him to send data back to a device remotely. His glasses have a tiny on board computer and can capture and store video in visible light.  How do you imagine him controlling the glasses? And now for the hard part – programming the recognition database…  I’ll look at those invention rolls you did earlier to see how that goes.


Leaving the Map Area

Does he want to do anything else on GRRAS before fronting up to the Illuminator at GB01 NextCycle?


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Thank you for the star.

    He’ll send the report while he’s out shopping for food or something, casually.
    He’ll include the ship, the destination and his assignment.

    I sort of imagine the glasses being set up via his PDA then sort of doing their thing automatically, take a minute to get them to boot then they know their job.

    Not much other than work on his design and his report for Felicity, no.

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