5-190: Vizier Frederick’s Offices

Alan pipes up, “Do you have any idea how long this mission is going to take?  Not that I care how long my retirement’s going to be interrupted to ferry a bunch of civvies and Vizzies around the Dominion.”

Nanny says, “At this point, the project is open ended.  Vizier Richard will have to determine the best course of action based on what you are able to uncover at Pristine.  We do, of course, appreciate your service to the Overlord, as we all serve in our own way.  Prosperity, Protection and Victory, Under Commander.”

Alan grunts and gives a brief, sharp salute.      

Nanny says, “anything else?”

If Oliver wishes to ask anything further, he may.

Otherwise, Nanny will say, “Vizier Richard and I will provide a further briefing on immediate tasks once we are aboard the Illuminator.”

The meeting will break up.  Nanny rises and leaves first, pausing just outside the conference room to speak to Melody.  Others begin to filer out into the office area.

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    He won’t say more. He’ll go back to his apartment. He’ll probably just work on his project and take care of basic needs until finished. As well as probably use his new PDA to tell Felicity about his new assignment.

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