5-168. Suffolk Small Food Court
“I get that; anything that can push a starship and I’m your woman.
“I think we must be going somewhere, otherwise there’s no need to keep me around. As for Vizier F’s plans, I really don’t know how the Vizierate works. I mean the Legion goons are obvious, the ones with the most stripes and pips on their collars tell the others who to oppress, but the Vizierate? They’re all called Minor Vizier and wear purple, but it’s obvious that Nanny reports to F and so does Dick-Dick, but I don’t get why. Do you think we could really be caught up in some internal Vizierate thing?“
“I assume it goes off proved merit or connections as opposed to rank. But I doubt it. I think he really is tying up some loose ends. Maybe trying to take credit for the projects of theae deserters.”