5-116: Legion Cast – Interview and Evaluation Room
“Yes. Convenient.”
She she meets his gaze and blinks slowly, then says, “At the moment your brief is simply to stay in your contractor role and report what you see hear and are asked to do.”
“We can talk more about operational details, such as how we communicate, once your recruitment is confirmed, unless you have specific questions on that? Otherwise what other questions do you have?”
“It’s not like the Legion intentionally planned this by running an intense customs check on our ship and then pulled a member aside to simply achieve this goal, right?”
He gives a little smile.
“More… i was hoping for a safe word or phrase. I assume I’m not going to be bearing anything that identifies me as Legionairre to reduce risk of being caught, but if I’m sent in a mission by the vizierate that may conflict with the Legion, I’d hope to have a way to get out of trouble in the most dire of circumstances.”
He leans back in the chair.
“I’ve been keeping a journal the whole way so documenting my progress won’t be an issue or out of the ordinary.”