5-114: Legion Cast – Interview and Evaluation Room
As Oliver watches her while she works, she shifts uncomfortably and glances up at him several times; apparently not entirely comfortable with his scrutiny.
She reaches what is apparently the end of whatever she was doing on the terminal, frowns and then gives a tiny sigh at her conclusion.
Then she looks up at him, composed as ever.
“Well, Oliver, I have an answer.”
“You clearly meet the minimum requirements for Routine entry to the Legion, but I am evaluating you as part of our Special Recruitment stream.
“That means you don’t have to go through basic, although at some point in the future I would actually recommend that. Aside from that, you seem to have a lot of knowledge about the Legion already that forms part of basic induction.
“So, Rank: Your initiative and intelligence suggests you are Officer material, no real surprise there, so we’d be looking to put you on the Officer track.”
Felicity absently touches her own Under Officer insignia at her collar.
“With regard to Roles, you’re assessed as suited for intelligence work, cyber warfare and a number of other technical Roles that would put you in the Staff Class. However, ” she pauses looks down at her terminal and back up again and when she speaks there is a slightly odd tone in her voice, “your results indicate that you are best qualified for the Commissar Class.”
She stops and looks at him briefly before continuing, “So, how does that sound? A Special Recruit Commissar in the Dominion Legion with an intelligence brief?”
“Sounds like an interesting offer. One I am inclined to take. Any insight as to what my roles would be?”