5-048: Lobby Café

How sincere is Oliver?

Irrespective of the answer she says, “I am not currently recording you, and I don’t have any specific reason to think this place is being actively monitored, but it is not somewhere we should discuss anything sensitive.  Just in case.”

He’s not certain, but he senses from a quickly-covered reaction that it’s possible that she’s actually not recording him.  Mainly because she forgot to turn her recorder on after being flustered at the security station.

She says, “Very well, there is no harm in running the basic aptitude tests.  When can you get away from the Vizierate for a Shift without them noticing your absence?”

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    First sentence he’s implying innocence and he’s also not mentioning that Legion and Vizierates are part of his people he found out about, so that’s mostly a concealed truth, but not a direct lie.
    The rest is truthful.

    “They aren’t asking anything of my time until they… ask… of it… I don’t even know when I’m meant to go in next. So the sooner, the less likely they call me in.”

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