5-026: Vizierate Interview Room

I assume his response was to questions; was it also to a cup of tea?

“Very well, what I would like you to do is take me through what happened on the Argyle Notebook project from the time you left GRRAS until the time your returned.”

I don’t need Oliver to recount exactly what he says here, I would like to know:
  • How much detail does he go into
    • and, does that change with different parts of the story?
  • Does he focus on any particular areas?
  • Does he cover any thing up, fudge facts, or make shit up?
  • Does he make his part in events greater or lesser?
  • Does he make anyone else’s part greater or lesser? 
  • Is there anything in particular he wants to say not covered by what he has been asked to do?
Given his eidetic memory, I’ll assume he is capable of detailed and accurate recall of what happened for the entire trip from his perspective if he chooses to do so. 

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Sorry, hectic couple of days and I just wanted to respond.

    He’s happy with that water he brought himself, though he won’t have any right now.

    Oliver will go into a fair amount of detail, he doesn’t make anything up but places emphasis on things that might incriminate Argyle, such as threatening a Vizierate operative with automated turrets.

    He tells peoples parts like it is, his own and others.

    He skips over minor details like the things the people at the lodge said about Argyle.

    Detailed, honest, but streamlined to avoid adding in unnecessary information.

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