5-016: Bradbury Residential Complex

The video screen doubles as a communicator.  He can call people and receive calls through it, and use it as a network connection.

Red shift is often sleep shift, and that’s the routine he has been keeping for some time now while aboard the Snark. 

Oliver doesn’t find any placed bugs, but he would know that if security wants to monitor him, they’ll probably just remotely activate the communications equipment and listen and/or watch him.

The washing machine is a dry-cycle chemical and UV cleaner unit.  He puts his clothes in and they’re treated with chemicals, UV light and a powerful airflow.  According to the instructions on the machine a full cycle takes about a Task; they should be ready about the time he gets out of the shower. 

The shower is of the traditional water variety (Oliver won’t be blasted with chemicals and UV) and comes with thermostaically controlled temperature setting, water pressure selector and no time limit.  Incidentally, while in the shower is where he gets to see some effect of GRRAS being under spin gravity rather than the more usual Grav Plates:  The water in the shower curves in an arc rather than falls in a straight line, the deflection is about 8cm on a 2m drop from the nozzle to the floor of the shower cubicle.

The kitchen is capabe of being used to actually cook things, but the arrangments seem largely geared toward storage and consumption of meal packs, although tere are none here at the moment.

Give me a roll on Carousing, assuming he’s still heading out for food.


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Roll 9v11. And yes he will.

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