5-015: Bradbury Residential Complex

The corridors are quiet, but not empty.  No-one is immediately nearby but he can see a few people walking about:  Someone off to his left is walking away, further down, a good, 200m away someone is coming toward him.  Off to his right someone is coming this way.  As he’s reading the sign, someone turns into the T-intersection and starts coming up the main corridor.  Behind him he can hear the soft whirr of a travel pod arriving and the air hiss as the doors open.

He turns right.

Along this corridor are doors every 10m, all have a small sign on them.

Six doors along on the left is 000-100A-04790+0050 (the door opposite is 000-100A-04790+0045).

His tag opens the left-hand door, the person who was approaching him is now about 5m away.

Inside, the apartment he has been assigned is done in an off-white colour; floors, walls and ceilings.  All the furnishings are off-white, as are the appliances.  The occasional dark spot, draws the eye but is insufficient to give relief from the pale assault.

The apartment door is set in an alcove and the apartment starts about a metre from the main corridor, presumably cut into the rock of the asteroid.  At least, it’s unlikely Oliver will hear the neighbours.
The apartment is small, perhaps 9m x 4m total.  Ahead of him is a door to a bathroom and toilet, compact laundry built into the wall on his left.  The apartment proper stretches to his right, where there is an open-plan kitchen and living area separated by an island bench.  The living area includes a couch, a low table, a large high-tech video screen above storage cupboards.  A work desk sits alongside the video screen against the wall.  Beyond the living area is a door to the sleeping area, which contains a large bed ,dresser and built-in robes.

Compared to the tiny cabin on the Snark, this is luxurious.  Indeed, compared to many apartments this is well appointed – it is entirely self-contained and Oliver won’t have to use a communal bathroom nor a communal dining room nor a communal laundry nor a communal entertainment facility nor a communal dormitory.  These things are indicative of wealth and status in much of the Dominion.

He may or may not choose to explore immediately, but he will discover the above information eventually and probably quickly.  The time is BB02.

Questions?  What does he do first?  And next? 

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Is there a telecommunication device in the apartment?

    Does it look like there’s a place to plug into the extranet?

    Red shift is typical sleeping shift, if I remember correctly, Oliver will try to return to routine while he’s here.

    As part of his initial exploration of the house, he wants to sweep for any bugs or cameras, optical or audio. He rolls 10 on a suitable searching roll, if required.

    How long is a typical laundry cycle at this tech-level? Do they have dryers too? Does he have a dryer here?

    If nothing is found, he’ll put his bag by the bathroom door, put his clothes in for a wash cycle, if they can be washed and dried before the shift is over and have a shower. He’ll then read a book for a bit while he waits for his clothes to dry if they were put on, put them back on and head out for some type of meal.

    If something is found, he’ll put his bag in the bathroom, not wash his clothes and still have a shower. Then he’ll get back into the same clothes and leave.

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