5-011: Vizier Frederick’s Offices
Melody retrieves him and leads him to her small office, which is just opposite the main door of Frederick’s suite behind the reception area and with a big window through which she can see comings and goings.
She points to a chair, “Have a seat please Oliver,” and sits behind her desk, plays with her terminal for a moment.
She looks up at him, smiles.
“So, let us go over some administration: Your debriefing interview with Vizier Lillith is at
tomorrowcycle. It will be conducted here in the interview room just along from the conference room. Bring anything that you may need to refer to regarding what happened during the execution of the project. Please don’t be late.”
She prints off a small strip of paper from the printer on her desk and hands it to Oliver.
“You have been assigned quarters at the Bradbury Residential complex, your room details are on here.”
The paper reads:
Starr, O.
Bradbury Residential Complex: 000-100A-04850+0030.
Room: 000-100A-04790+0050.
“The room will accept your Tag ID, as will the Office here.”
She gestures toward the doors.
“You can catch a Travel Pod to the Bradbury from the front of the Vizierate Offices.”
She taps at her console.
“Let’s see, it’s been 191 Cycles since you were recruited on Aran’s Pride…,” she trails off, then looks up, “May I have your Money Card please Oliver?”
“Sounds easy enough.” He will take the slip and study it carefully. “Thank you.”
He will pull it out of his wallet (?) and hand it over. His assumption is he’s being paid, not charged. Though he will eyeball her carefully as she has it.