4-087: Zebulon Station, Section BC, Legion Cast Interview Room
Give me a PER roll.
“Ah yes, the Vizierate’s ‘flat’ structure. The game of jockeying over who reports to who seems to suit their Machiavellian mindsets. I can’t help but think that if they spent less time on that they would be more use to the Dominion.”
He stands, and gives Oliver a Legion salute.
“I look forward to hearing the reports from GRRAS on the outcome of your interview. Any final questions for me?”
7 v Base 13
“It’s certainly difficult to follow as an outsider.”
Oliver will go to return the salute, hesitate, then commit.
“Do you want a copy of my Data on Argyle? I can’t promise much for the books except my summary but I should be able to provide a copy of the digital work.”