4-049: Zebulon Station, Section BC

If it is on the public net it is legal to view.

Oliver would know (no roll, I just assume it from his history) that there are several ‘hidden nets’ run by different agencies.  The Vizierate is one, the Legion is another, and there are a few others as well.

Accessing those without authorisation is illegal.

The legality of obtaining information about individuals is less clear, it is definitely discouraged, but not quite outright illegal until you look behind you and realise you’ve crossed the line of being a Dissident who is Threatening the Security and Good Order of the Dominion.  That said, the identities of senior people in certain roles is openly available.

Oliver might have a sort of authorisation to access VizNet … maybe?

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Cool. One more question…what’s Olivers understanding of IP Tracking, how advanced it is and defending against it?

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