4-004: Aboard Snark 416

Fromm makes a humphing noise in his throat then says, “Those are not mutually exclusive choices.”

He finishes poking and says, “Fredrick can be a powerful ally, but his favours can be expensive and his transactions are conducted without sentiment or remorse.”

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    “He sounds perfect for the role then.”
    Oliver will get up from the bench or table I assume he’s sitting on.
    “Thanks for your help, is there anything I need to do in future for the burn?”
    After any instruction, he will thank Fromm again, make a toilet stop, grab a snack and take a moment to eat it. Afterwards, he’ll grab the computer from wherever it’s been left and take it back to his cabin where he will try to get into it via his laptop again.

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