3-182: In the Bedroom of Argyle’s Lodge

On further investigation Oliver doesn’t spot any dangers.

The bedside table with the lamp is clear except for a set of headphones plugged into a small entertainment console.

On the other table is an exercise book and a stylus.

The bookshelf is entirely devoted to technical manuals of various types; there are no fiction books. The shelf contains various DIY books on home renovation, carpentry, electrical wiring, equipment maintenance, concrete making, leather tanning, computer hardware, cooking and metalworking.  There are thee vehicle maintenance manuals and what looks like a manual for the lifting unit in the garage.  There are a couple of books and what looks like extracts from scientific journals on the ecology, geology and meteorology of Pristine.  There are also several advanced texts on security systems and several books on mathematics and cryptography.  Some of the works appear to have been locally printed and bound with typical office stationery.   

It may be worth noting that given the Dominion’s balkanised tech, hardcopy manuals and record storage are not uncommon, even in the high-tech TL9 enclaves. 

2 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Succeeding my curiosity role I decide there’s more important things and move on to pick the next lock. I’m going side to side, so I’ll move across the hall before I move up it.

    Roll 12 v base 13 on my lockpick

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