3-044: Aboard the Aerostat
Halcyon says he will drop you by the door and come in, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. The others nod. Dicard says something perfunctory about agreeing with your plan, just to remind everyone that he’s in charge.
You while away a long afternoon then depart at BG10 in order to arrive a couple of tasks after sunset (sunset is at BB04, Halcyon says you will arrive about BB06 unless you specify otherwise).
Let me know if there’s anything you want to do before you leave.
Halcyon crabs the Aerostat across the vehicle park for some distance and then it rises into the air. He keeps it low and follows the vehicle track toward Argyle’s lodge.
Is there anything you want to do on the trip?
Not really. Just mentally prepare myself etc. Make sure all my gear is there. I’m ready.