3-005: Outside Argyle’s Hunting Lodge IV
OK, as per my comment on this post, you can have your choice of a full set of locally-manufactured arctic clothes, made of predominantly natural fibres (seems to be mostly white fur of some description), which masses 15lb (encumbrance penalties being a thing as per your character sheets) and gives +5 to survival rolls if your characters are exposed for any period of time, or Winter clothes which mass 4lb and allow you to roll at no bonus or penalty (ref HT63).
Alan, they’re not that easy to spot under the light covering of snow and the white colouring, but those white opaque domes on top of the gate posts are quite possibly covers for a camera system.
I’m going to say you’re all still in the crawler, Alan peering through the windows, Richard standing in the aft section waving his pistol around in a time-to-do-something way and Oliver and Christopher sitting on passenger seats in the same area having a despondent competition.
Another couple of moments have gone by.
I suggest you need to have a conversation about what to do next – a number of you have proposed different options, and there may be others. Or I guess you can have your characters just decide to do something and see if anyone follows along.
“What are we doing, Vizier in command?”
That is pretty much all the input I have.
I agree. Vizier in command. Happy to attempt any of the suggested options.
Richard said: https://sites.google.com/site/dominionspace/play/module-the-argyle-notebook/outsideargyleshuntinglodgeiii?disco=AAAABKYi_Y8
My bag should be fully packed so I am ready. If there are buckles or similar apparatus, I shall buckle in.
I’ll take the Arctic Clothes
Alain: “Very well I’ll take us to the lodge.”