Captain Karmen Intuveker

  1. :
  2. Non-Player Characters
  3. :
  4. Aboard Spanial
  5. :
  6. Captain Karmen Intuveker

Karmen in casual wear.   

Karmen geing ‘captainy’

Mer ID


Karmen was born on 194.696 at Captree in the Lesser Archipelago.



Karmen is the Captain and Owner of the Spanial.  She is frank, decisive, competent and efficient, and seems to be respected and trusted by her crew. She is generally friendly but is not especially warm. 

Physically, Captain Karmen is a tall (~175cm), big boned, big-busted blonde Caucasian of average attractiveness. 

Karmen is generally straightforward, but has a kind of honest charm about her that seems to go down well with people she’s dealing with when she employs her Merchant skill.  

Her command of invective is fairly poor, when she swears it’s a bit like watching someone angry on a kids’ television show.



Karmen has a captain’s ensemble – dark padded jacket with four stripes stitched onto the cuffs and shoulders that she occasionally wears when she wants to look captain-ey.


  • Karmen was educated in a Career Training path and began her spacer career as an apprentice Comms and Sensor operator on a mid-size freighter for the Mercantile Bureau
  • She left to work on a private freighter not long after she was fully certified
  • She admits that she didn’t particularly want to be a Comm/Scan operator, but did want to get into space.
  • She has a buyout partnership with the Dominion Bank to own and operate Spanial
    • She has cometed, “For sure it hurts my psyche to hand over their share of the profits every partner review meeting.”


  • She has a son, Ipan Intuveker
  • She has commented that Ipan’s father had, “A lot of good qualities, but was basically an angry control freak.”


“For sure, nothin’ to see here.  Just a regular cargo freighter.  Move along.”

 – Karmen Intuveker




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