Chief Engineer Gregar Thinp

  1. :
  2. Non-Player Characters
  3. :
  4. Aboard Spanial
  5. :
  6. Chief Engineer Gregar Thinp

Mer ID


Gregar was born on 197.592 at Tertius in Octant 2.



Gregar is the Chief Engineer on the Spanial.

He is a compact man – 168cm – with pale skin and light brown hair.  He has substantial scarring on the right side of his face and is blind in his right eye as a result of an engineering accident before he joined Spanial.  

Gregar is softly spoken, to the point of sometimes being difficult to hear. 

Things the players know about Gregar:

  • Heterosexual
  • Pacifist, no weapon skills
  • Workaholic
  • Competent with a vacc suit and in zero-G



  • Depending on his work schedule may be found in coveralls but seems to prefer neat shirts and slacks
  • His idea of dressing up is slightly neater shirts and slacks



  • Before bed, Gregar routinely has a pre-sleep snack of a glass of warm goat milk and two cookies.
  • Gregar likes tea and frequently has a cup near his workstation.



“I met Karmen in a bar on Captree, was trying to figure out whether I wanted to go back into space after, you know,” he gestures awkwardly to his scarred visage, “having half my face burned off.  She was bitching about having just lost an engineer; the barman introduced us, maybe so he didn’t have to listen to either of us complaining any more.

“We agreed I’d hire on for three jumps, just as a trial…” 

 – Gregar Thinp, on joining Spanial.


“It’s pretty straightforward, I crawled into a conduit to fix a line that had been…severed.  It was part of the life support recycling; hot fluid, corrosive.  While I was in there my shift boss…”, he pauses a moment, additional descriptive phrases running through his internal monologue, “My shift boss decided it was urgent to restore systems and opened all the cut-off valves.  I caught a spray of high-pressure hot acid from a range of about 10cm.”

 – Gregar Thinp, on acquiring his injury.



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