Minor Vizier Abelford Carstair-Dhu-Harmon-Xaioyan

  1. :
  2. Non-Player Characters
  3. :
  4. At Pristine
  5. :
  6. Vizierate NPCs
  7. :
  8. Minor Vizier Abelford Carstair-Dhu-Harmon-Xaioyan


Minor Vizier Abelford is the ViC of the Vizierate Offices on Pristine and also sits as the Vizierate Representative on the Governing Council.

Vizier Abelford is a chubby, dark-skinned man aged about 15 with an incongruous shock of blond hair atop his head that looks like it might have been drawn on with a child’s crayon. 

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