Local Overcrat Zayaire Preston-Lischost (Agriculture Bureau)

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  2. Non-Player Characters
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  4. At Mundo Zargo
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  6. Bureaucracy NPCs
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  8. Local Overcrat Zayaire Preston-Lischost (Agriculture...


Public Information

Zayaire Preston-Lischost is a senior Bureaucrat (Local Overcrat Grade) with the Agriculture Bureau on Mundo Zargo.  He is young for his position and considered something of a rising star.  He is known as one of the who’s-who of the local social scene, remarked on for his sense of style and the revolving door of attractive women seen on his arm.  He is a slim, handsome man with dark hair, aged perhaps 12 or 13.

There aren’t a lot of photos that she can find, she can infer some stuff by finding names he’s linked with and finding photos of some of them, although they have been taken at different times (ie, when the women weren’t with Zayaire).  There doesn’t seem to be a pattern she can spot, the women are diverse, though all are attractive; he doesn’t seem to have a type.  In the few photos she can find of him, he deserves his reputation for being well dressed.  His clothes are expensive and his preferred styles are bold without being tacky.  In one shot he has a well-wrought glass of an expensive wine in his hand.

Although he’s a socialite, a senior bureaucrat and well-known in circles of power, there’s not a lot of detail to be found about what he does or likes or why he’s successful.  There is a lot of echo-chamber about people repeating those same broad-brush things about him.


What Lia has been told

  • He has some direct oversight of the Grasslands Agricultural Estate on Mundo Zargo’s planetary farside.
  • He is involved in a business deal with Karmen.
  • He is related to the criminal underworld in some way, and the activities are related to the Grasslands Agricultural Estate.
  • Lia’s contacts won’t help her do anything against him. 
  • Adler Zang alleged that “…[Zayaire] has a small team that actually locate [date] prospects for him?  They sound them out, clean them up, put them on a payroll for a while, which is better than basic income for these girls, they give them a crash course on how to behave in high society and then when he needs one they deploy her for the night with promises that if she impresses him she could become a wealthy kept woman.  Then when he’s done they drop her back in the slums; problem cases get shipped off-world so they can’t be an embarrassment…He has eleven  unaccepted children that I know of.”
  • Adler also alleged that “… he has set up a research lab of his own so he doesn’t have to work with my Bureau, and that he’s engaging private merchant shipping so he can organise his own supply chain for the same reason.”  According to the rules of the Codex, Bureaus are not supposed to step outside their portfolio areas.  As long as it’s clear cut that’s what is happening (it isn’t always, as portfolios are not always rigorously defined), Zayaire could be in trouble for it. 


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