Legion Operations Under Commander Master Pilot and Special Liaison Alan Halcyon

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  2. Non-Player Characters
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  4. Vizierate Project Team
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  6. Legion Operations Under Commander Master...


(former PC, now NPC.)

Alan is a Legionnaire who served a full career in the Legion Navy and retired before being recalled to duty. 

His class, rank and role at time of his retirement was Operations Under Commander Master Pilot (meaning he has qualifications as both Pilot and Navigator.)  

After his recall to duty he had Vizierate Special Liaison added to his operations role.  So he is now: 

Operations Under Commander Master Pilot and Vizierate Special Liaison (RCL) Alan Halcyon.   



4 Responses

  1. Overlord Frank says:

    I have some recommendations for Alan:
    1. Add a Small Talent Talent(Pilot) at Level 1: Piloting, Navigation, Shiphandling, Spacer, Vacc Suit, Free Fall
    2. Reduce all Navigation and Pilot skills to 1 to compensate for the cost.
    3. Replace Piloting(Low Performance) with Piloting(Aerospace) – it will be more useful in this setting as almost no-one flies low performance spacecraft, but you may be doing a bit of Aerospace work. Plus, if you do happen to come across a low-performance craft it defaults to high performance at -2.

    The net effect is an extra point spend for no gain immediately, but character advancement for these skills (and the others listed under the talent) will be much cheaper in future (for 5 points of cost you can raise the talent (up to +4) and all those skills go up by 1.)

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