Vizierate Visitor Accommodations



Off the arterial and onto a major secondary road, passing through an arched gateway labelled Vizierate Visitor Accommodations.  This is a huge, sprawling complex of different buildings, not much different from the rest of the city they have passed through. 
This is Oliver’s first real outside experience on Zargonia.  Still daylight, the star is approaching its Zenith behind some clouds and it is a cool 8°C with a light breeze blowing.  The air smells slightly of ozone from the traffic and organic fragrances from the nearby decorative garden. 

Locations Within the Complex  

Harmon Block

Presently the car pulls up in front of a two-storey arc-shaped concrete building signed as Harmon Block.
Luggage is unloaded, and they proceed past the decorative water feature and garden into the foyer.  A uniformed Vizant greets them and tags them in, programming their IDs into the building’s system and handing out small pieces of paper with their numbers printed on them (Oliver is in 203.)
They are told that snacks are available from the first floor [note, the Dominion uses the American system of floor numbering so the first floor is the ground floor] dining room 3/10 and meals are available at all Break Tasks for two Tasks, and that Harmon Block has no function rooms, but they are available in adjacent Gibbs Block.  They will need their ID tags to access the areas beyond the foyer.
After taking his leave there’s a slightly awkward moment where Erin and Alan follow him through the door, wait for the lift Nanny has snagged to return, and travel up in the lift together before going into adjoining doors, Alan across the corridor and Erin next along.
The room, however, is rather nice, its own toilet and wash facilities (shower and bath), kitchenette, living area, separate work area, bedroom and balcony with a table and a couple of chairs.  These accommodations are considerably bigger than Mallory’s luxury suite on the Illuminator.
This doesn’t seem to be Viziers-only, anyone employed by or who has business with the Vizierate can apparently stay here.

Dining Room

It is a large room on the first floor and a number of other guests are filtering in at the same time.  Mostly people in civilian clothes, but there are a few Vizants, one person in a Bureaucrat-blue suit, and one mid-ranking Legion staff officer eating alone.
The dining room provides table service from a menu (a Vizant seems to be overseeing things with the assistance of a couple of contractors in smart, tan uniforms.)  Diners are asked to tag into a machine as the staff take their orders, but no Money cards seem needed.
The food is rather nice and the menu has quite a wide selection.

Gibbs Block

Gibbs Block is a single-storey building next to Harmon block.

In the foyer of Gibbs Block, another Vizant seems to be overseeing things.  They are asked to tag in and on doing so are directed through the security door to Room 110, which turns out to be a small meeting room.