High Transit Zebulon (aka Zebulon Station)




Zebulon station is in orbit around Zargonia’s moon, Paitchonia.  It is a major hub for traffic to Zargonia as only very special interstellar VIP traffic is permitted to approach Zargonia directly.



Zebulon station is built as a giant cross, with four habitat sections extending from a central hub and docking struts running between the ends of the habitats. 

The station uses grav plates and so there is no need to spin it for internal gravity, making docking comparatively easy.    
Zebulon Station Plan and Elevation Views


The Habitats are designated as P, B, T and D.  Each habitat has three levels designated as Centre (C), Mirror (M) and Up (U).  Layout and gravity direction is shown in the diagram below.

Gravity in the habitats is 1G at floor level. 

The Hub has a central section (H) that adjoins each of the habitat C-sections, most of which is filled with twisting transfer corridors where the gravity drops in stages down to 0.8G between sections.  The Hub spires are designated HL and HR (if you are standing in PC looking toward H then HL is on your left and HR is on your right.  Levels within HL and HR are numbered as they rise away from H.  HL and HR are restricted areas.

The Docking Struts are designated as K, G, F and V.   
Zebulon Station Gravity and Layout Diagram


Sections PU and PM seem to be restricted areas for station administration and residences for senior personnel and VIPs.

Section PC is semi-restricted with shopping, attractions and an up-market hotel.  As an F and possibly a Vizierate contractor, Oliver can possibly get in there if he wants to try. 

Section BU contains the local Vizerate Offices, section BM the local Legion offices.  BU and BC also contain general Dominion administration and Bureaucracy.

Sections TM and TU seem to be local residential.

Section TC seems to be a mix of various businesses and also some residential and a general overflow are for when things should be elsewhere in the station but there isn’t enough room. Sections DU and DM seems to be the main areas containing visitor accommodation, with DU apparently more upmarket than DM. Section DC seems to be the main visitor shopping and tourist attraction area.

The physics of grav plates and economics of construction tend to mean that the ceilings in the station are relatively low and the floors long and wide, braced with a network of narrow pillars internally.  These pillars are where the internal ight sources of the station are located, containing vertical rows of lights.  If he visits any of the U or M sections, he will see that there are transparent view windows overhead, apparently capable of being shuttered.  There are similar windows at the edges of the C-sections where they are wider than the overhead U-sections.  Travel between C- and U-sections is mostly by escalator or elevator.  Travel between C- and M-sections is usually by a circular or twisted staircase or escalator where you spend a small distance in zero-G while changing orientation.  In each section there is also a zero-G transfer area for large items (basically a big hole in the decks with no grav plates).

The station is oriented such that Hub L is pointed toward the moon Paitchonia and Hub R points out to the stars.  Zargonia itself may be seen in various locations through the view ports, as can the star Fit, depending on where Paitchinia is in its orbit around Zargonia and the station in orbit around Paitchonia.


Section TC Description

Section TC is different to the quiet orderliness of Section BC.
Around the outside walls of the section are a similar set of retail shops to that that were in Section BC, however on the other side of a wide corridor the inner rectangle of the section seems to consist of a ramshackle maze of temporary wall partitions that make up a warren of small market cubicles and stalls.  Some of the walls are standard station partitioning, but all sorts of other materials seem to have been pressed into use as well.
Section TC is a lot noisier than Section BC was, and a variety of interesting and unusual smells hang in the air.
Todd’s (Stall#103) is a double-size stall made of mismatched ceramic panelling, with one half of the front cordoned off with some sort of badly scratched and yellowed transparent polymer sheet.  A number of cabinets and shelves line the walls, and empty wall space is hung with a variety of electronic parts and equipment.  A person Oliver may assume is Todd is seated on what seems to be a battered re-purposed ship’s workstation chair at an electronics work bench examining a circuit board through a magnifying optical viewer.
Todd is a heavy set, dark-skinned, bald man of indeterminate age wearing an eye patch over a scarred face that also sports a luxuriant handlebar mustache.
Tell Todd exactly what it is Oliver wants to buy and give me a Merchant roll.

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