Mundo Zargo Downport




Non-commuter ships on Starside are serviced by transit busses.  It is a bare expanse of tarmac.

It can be a long ride to the concourse building garage.

Commuter shuttles actually taxi the cto a boarding gate rather than rely on transit buses, not a common practice.  It’s a longish walk down the extended boarding tube at the end of which (after tagging through) they can queue for a travel pod or continue through to the concourse on foot.


Downport Concourse

Mundo Zargo is a relatively habitable A-class colony and the concourse is usually busy.

The place is well appointed and quite large – think contemporary airport + shopping centre + resort hotel. 


Cargo Docks

It’s quite a walk from where they came into the concourse around to the cargo docks, as they travel things and people become less shiny and more functional.