Grasslands Agricultural Estate Facility




The Facility, as it’s usually called is an underground complex built into an escarpment on the Grasslands Agricultural Estate.  From the local Downport a road leads to the Facility where the mown grass presently gives way to a towering crop that hems the car in with flashes of green stalks whipping by.  

The road enters a long tunnel with airlock doors to maintain internal pressure against Mundo Zargo’s low-pressure atmosphere.



Internally the facility consists of a number of areas joined by corridors with a couple of areas also accessible by separate roadways from the garage.

There is also a small internal monorail, connecting a few areas, but this is not generally accessible to most staff.

The Facility spans multiple levels, but only the main and largest level has been seen in play.


Main Level Map  

Note:  The main level map was never provided in play, but could have been approximately reconstructed from the signage Lia encountered.


General Interior Conditions

There are no windows.  

Mundo Zargo’s low gravity is supplemented by grav plates.

The facility is pressurised to 1 atmosphere.

Intersections and areas are well-signed using greens signs with white writing.


Area Descriptions


The entry to the garage from outside is a long, wide, dark tunnel, passing through a set of huge airlock doors before emerging into a subterranean cavern that is apparently some type of vehicle park.

Several cars of various sizes and shapes are parked here and a few people are about doing vehicle-type things with them,

People in the garage area are advised to keep respirator masks handy, just in case.

The exit to the rest of the facility is a large glass door covering a wide, well-lit corridor.

Beside the the door, a green-uniformed guard sits inside a booth, from where the door is controlled.  Visitors will need to tag in.

A very big door at the rear of the garage leads to a long tunnel that curves around to the left and heads slightly downwards toward the Research Wings.


Main Level Corridors

In contrast to the stark lighting and rock and concrete walls of the garage, the corridor beyond is a warm orange-brown colour, lit at periodic intervals with warm lights in the crown and base mouldings.


Associate Wing

Beyond the door, a large open space, perhaps two-and-a-half levels high has been carved out of the rock. The bare rock walls are showing behind a series of exposed shiny metal structural supports, though they have been smoothed and it looks like the rock has been sealed with some sort of clear insulating material. Dotted across the domed ceiling are a series of spotlights that perform as distant task lighting. Unlike the warmly lit corridor, this area is colder and starker.

Down the middle of this room is an S-shaped pond in which a couple of men are lounging by one edge, drinks nearby. nestled in the crook of one loop of the S, a series of tables, chairs and benches, readily arrangeable into different layouts. Off to one side looks to be a wet bar and a small kitchenette. In the other loop of the S, an open space, covered with soft yet robust rubbery flooring material.

Dotted around the edges of the space, various doors, including some accessible only from a catwalk up high to the right. To the left there is an alcove that looks like it could be a very small travel pod station.

The Associate Wing includes accommodations for ‘associates’.


Tanner’s Office

Tanner has an office on the far side of the Associate Wing space, past the pool to a pair of wide double doors.

Lights come on inside to reveal a large room.  The style matches the larger room outside with bare rock and structural supports.  The furniture looks incredibly expensive, though modern and functional. Black glass, brushed chrome, comfortable black cushioning.  There are several couches and chairs, a long work/conference table off to one side and a large desk at the end of the room facing the door, behind which Tanner poises himself. 

The room includes a wet bar.


Accommodation Wings

Each of the three accommodation wings contains numerous sub-wings being rows of rooms.  

Lia stayed in Accommodation Wing 3, which had at least six sub-wings labelled 3P, 3B, 3T, 3D, 3K and 3G.


Sample Room
The rooms are the equivalent of an upscale single room hotel suite with a kitchenette, lounge area, large bedroom, bathroom with both bath and shower, fresher facilities, separate work area with a desk and terminal.  For visitors, the kitchenette is stocked mini-bar style with a tiny bottle of rum, some soft drinks, small bottles of red and white wine, some confectionery items and snacks and six meal packs of various varieties.


Accommodation-Recreation-Elevator Intersection

The corridor that leads between the Garage and the Accommodation Wing contains an intersection with an elevator bank that allows access to the Recreation Area, which is reached by an upward-sloping corridor.

In the elevator there are six floors accessible.  Counting from bottom to top the Main Floor is level 2, the Recreation Area Level 4 and a small monorail station level 3.


Small Monorail Floor

The doors open to reveal a small area with a couple of blank tag-access doors and an opening on one side where a very small monorail vehicle is sitting on a narrow track. 


Recreation Area

At the top of the sloped corridor/ramp the corridor levels out to an intersection.  Beyond the intersection, the nature of the corridor changes. No longer the warmly lit tunnel with tan-orange rubberised walls and floors, this area is lined with large stone bricks painted in different colours: Pale green to the Food Wing, stark white toward the Shopping and Entertainment Wings, and pale pink ahead to the Activity Wing. Lighting is now a single overhead strip with occasional additional lighting coming from shorter horizontal strips half-way up the walls, at about chest level which prevents the area from having a stark feeling.


Activity Wing

After traversing the corridor some distance, it opens out to a wider area, still done in the same utilitarian architectural style, with various establishments opening off from it.  These include a Gym, a separate swimming pool, a Bul-bowl centre and, at the end, a Sportsball Arena that the signage suggests is also used for other events.



Includes grav mats.


There are actually two pools:  A regular 1G pool and a 0.5G pool without grav plates under it that has extra-high walls to contain the double-height slowly-rolling waves.


Shopping Wing

The Stark White corridor gives way to a pale orange toward the Shopping Wing.

Unlike the other areas, there’s no concourse here, at the end of the pale orange corridor is the entrance to what is basically a small department store.

It’s a small department store in an area with access to TL9 gear. However, the Food and much of the Entertainment is elsewhere. The Facility provides living things so there are no white goods or furniture.

It was established in play that it sells at least:


Entertainment Wing

The Stark White corridor becomes a lemon colour for the Entertainment Wing.

The corridor gives way to a concourse space similar to the Activity Wing.

Here there is a bar, a games parlour, a masseuse, a vid theatre, a set of public net terminals and a nondescript shopfront describing itself as a community centre.


Community Centre

Seen to be used for local band practice and knitting club.


Food Wing
Unlike the other areas this is not an open concourse but a big walking loop off which various shopfronts, cafes, restaurants and bars open.  There’s an open area for eating from those places that don’t have sit-in dining of their own and even a fresh produce area.

If so, this wing is done in pale green Green, still with the same stone-block architecture, though the variety of shops and signs makes this area more eclectic and colourful than the others she has seen.

There’s a fair variety in style, from a basic kebab stand to a restaurant with linen on the tables and a number of places are advertising that they use fresh food.  One thing that might catch the eye in the little fresh produce area is a stall advertising ‘Felline Produce’.

Some places here have a surcharge on high-end items, but most food is subsidized by the facility.



The monorail stop is decorated in brushed copper and dark green glass and floored with a dark polished stonework that Lia recognises as imported and not native to this area, probably not even to the planet.  
 Outside the monorail station there is a short corridor, still in the copper-and-glass style and a T-intersection with the familiar and green-and-white signage. 
To the right the corridor opens out onto a broad foyer with several couches, plush chairs and low tables scattered around.  Off the foyer are a number of ornate doors and pair of corridors on opposite sides.
A green-and-white uniformed guard stands at the entrance notes, their approach and says nothing.
A white-and-green uniformed receptionist sits at an impressive desk off to one side.
Main Conference Room

Beyond double doors is a huge conference room dominated by a massive conference table. At the opposite end, is a large, luxurious and looming leather chair (bigger then the others around the table).  

The seats are lavishly comfortable, while still being fully ergonomic, though not nearly as imposing as the one in which the host is seated.

Each place has a set of controls built into the table, Lia suspects at the touch of a stud, a full terminal would be available to each participant, possibly plus numerous other gadgetry.  The table itself is a masterwork, as well following the green glass and brushed copper motif, it has genuine hardwood inlays, marking it as worth a fortune.  The rest of the room also has wood panels, bounded by the brushed copper, and muted lighting. As everyone sits, intelligent task lighting illuminates their place.


Research Wings

Just outside of which is a large open area where the roadway forks, one leading right toward ZooBotan the other leading left to XenoCulture.  In both cases there is a wide walkway next to each of the roadways.  Done in white tiles with a high ceiling and a decorative planter at about waist-height all the way around, the area is quiet and unpopulated except for a pair of green-clad guards at each entrance.

The Ag Bureau Liaison Office is nearby.


Monorail Cart

Unlike the travel pods common throughout the Dominion (which are typically about the size of small bus), this is basically two benches back-to-back with a driver’s seat on each end, mounted on a platform about the size of a cargo palette.

The monorail bench zooms into a well-lit but boring stone tunnel, after a couple of curves and a descent it emerges into the Associate Wing area and comes to a stop.


Small Monorail Floor

The doors open to reveal a small area with a couple of blank tag-access doors and an opening on one side where a very small monorail vehicle is sitting on a narrow track. 


Associate Wing

To the left there is an alcove that looks like it could be a very small travel pod station.



A soft white area with a comfortable-looking couch and a couple of decorative plants.


Safety Centre

A dimly-lit grey stone area not much different from the tunnel.



A stop decorated in brushed copper and dark green glass and floored with a dark polished stonework.



The Facility seems to be staffed by people from one of six organisations.  Four of them seem to be private firms identified by uniforms that are either white-with-green-trim or green-with-white-trim, the fifth one is the Agriculture Bureau (blue uniforms or civvies) and the sixth are Zayare’s ‘associates’ (civvies).

Some people have partners at the Facility, but there are no children on site.



A research organisation looking at companion lifeforms.

White uniforms with green trim and a ZooBotan badge.



A research organisation looking at xenoforms.

White uniforms with green trim and a XenoCulture badge.



A private security firm.

Green uniforms with white trim and a ZealouS badge.



A facilities management company.

Green uniforms with white trim and a Zenith badge.  


  • There are occasional exceptions to the above colours (eg sometimes a XenoCulture person might have green-with-white-trim, etc.)
  • People with badges sometimes have their house name printed on them as well, but not always.
  • The badges also have a colour tab on the left side, mostly it’s green, but it can also be blue or red.