Mundo Zargo Highport



Mundo Zargo highport is a Class 3 facility – basic but not primitive.  The lower part (and there is a lower part, as the grav plates are oriented the same way for a consistent ‘down’ on the station) is mainly devoted to civilian traffic and operations and the upper part to official use (ie Dominion government and military stuff).
There is a fair bit of activity going on, with numerous visitors, tourists and outbound locals in the concourse.  It’s Blue Shift, which is many people’s recreation time (sleep in Red, work in Green, play in Blue – that’s what many workers do!*) and the crowd are seeming to want to make a night of it.  As well as the cargo freighter preparing to leave port some time during Red Shift, Lia can see from the status boards that there is a medium sized passenger ship in port as well.
Last time she was here, the port was a lot quieter.
The Legion has a few troopers about, they’re keeping an eye on things but don’t seem especially concerned.

Refer (6-078)  

Mundo Zargo Highport – Main sections

A couple of combat-suited Legion troopers are guarding the doors into the main concourse area.  Lia has to show her ID to a scanner and proceed down a long corridor with another pair of troopers at the end.
Beyond the tunnel is the Lower Concourse.
The Lower Concourse is a large area built as a square ring with shops around the edge and along the inside ‘pillars’ and central corridors leading to an elevator bank for travel to other levels.  The concourse is reasonably busy.
The roof is comparatively low compared to a contemporary shopping mall (because of the grav plate distance effect) but this is common in space stations.

Mundo Zargo Highport Lower Concourse Layout

      │ │     
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 │    ─┐    │ <- Central Elevator Bank
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      │ │     
   To Docking Area B