The Shipwreck at Foofor 2

  1. :
  2. Locations
  3. :
  4. Spaceship Locations
  5. :
  6. The Shipwreck at Foofor 2



Note:  These plans cover the areas of the wreck explored in play.  This comprises the Central Spar, Cargo Hold and Habitat Areas.  Areas not shown include:

  • The Cabins on Deck 6
  • Whatever was behind the double-height doors on Deck 10 & 11
  • Control on Deck 12
  • The Hangar
    • On a complete plan, the Hangar would appear as an equivalently sized octagonal area opposite the Habitat Section on Decks 1 through 9.

The Engineering section of the ship was missing and not available for exploration.


Deck 1 – Lab

A large item had been torn from a bench top here.



NB:  Details not shown on floor plan.


Deck 2 – Lab and Office

The casually clothed bodies of Schafer Wentworth and Backus Thurston-Thurston-Thurston were found here.



NB:  Details not shown on floor plan.


Deck 3 – Galley and Mess

The vacc-suited body of John Roy-Hinkley was found here.  Lia recovered some silvery material and Karmen recovered a damaged Electrolaser rifle from here.  


Deck 4 – Recreation Area



NB:  Details not shown on floor plan.


Deck 5 – Captain’s Cabin and Forward Habitat Access

Cabin 5 – Captain Hale Jonas Lia recovered an oval object from the Spar Section here, and looted some items from the cabin. Prrri removed a safe from under the bed.   


Deck 6

A vacc-suited body was found here.

Lia recovered some small metal capsules and metallic threads from here.



Deck 7

Deck 7 was extensively damaged.

Cabin 7.1 – Jon Roy-Hinkley Cabin 7.2 – Prohaska Trog-Yanos   


Deck 8 – Cabins and Hangar Access

Cabin 8.1 – Ann Summer-Wells Cabin 8.2 – Denver Will-Egan The Hangar is difficult to access from here due to damage.  The Hangar contains radiation.   


Deck 9 – Cabins

Cabin 9.1 – Louise Grant

Cabin 9.2 – Maxwell Marconi-Teller



Deck 10 & 11 – Double Height Deck and Cargo Hold Access

The cargo hold contained:
  • a hole in the side open to space
  • the vacc-suited body of Maxwell Marconi-Teller
  • missiles in a loader mechanism
  • concealed Gyroc weapons
  • green and white uniforms
  • various other cargo containers 
  • an access hatch to the Hangar, which contains radiation and a wrecked shuttlecraft



Deck 12 – Control

The doors to Control appear to have been barred from the inside.   


Deck 13 +

Elevator shaft explored only.  Elevator has no exits on these decks.

NB:  The notes above exclude items of casual looting such as Money cards. 


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