K-036: Independent Transporter Welcome Wagon, Mess/Oliver’s Cabin (Hyperspace)


Anyone from the Electorate?

The further conversation will give Oliver access to the information in this link – though Moloney is nowhere near that articulate or structured.  Some of this he may pick up from Channing or other sources later.



There’s a distinct sense of two chameleons then – she seems keen to ingratiate herself with him.


Oliver’s Cabin

Having eaten, Oliver will go to his cabin as stated.

Moloney winks and waves as he leaves, remining him she’s available to service his needs if required.



As noted previously, Oliver’s cabin is a sparsely furnished room with two bunk beds on the left (marked 6T on the top and 6B on the bottom).  There are two lockers, two tiny fold-down desks each with an old-fashioned-looking vid screen and an archaic manual keyboard, two fold-away chairs and a single water spigot with a tiny basin in the wall.

The bathroom, shower and laundry is back up the corridor to the right.

The room is clean, even smells faintly of chemical cleaning products, but the walls are grey-painted metal, with wear and scuff marks.  A single central light illuminates the room’s floor in an oval spot, but mostly illumination comes from fixed task lighting in key positions like bed reading lamps and desks work lamps that throw shadows everywhere.  A bare metal floor instead of the softer, slightly rubberised flooring he is used to.  A couple of pipes and some sort of conduit, all wrapped in cushioning foam run along the roof, where there are also several handles.  Air comes from small vents near floor and ceiling.  Gravity is about 0.3 G and he may be glad he has the gecko overshoes Karmen gave him.

What is he going to do?




1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Was there any terminals available at any point he saw that wasn’t directly involved in running the ship?

    I don’t know if he has any plans so far but the existence of terminals may change that.

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