K-034: Independent Transporter Welcome Wagon, Mess (Hyperspace)


Back over the border?

“What’d you use to do back over the border?”

“I shifted between private and public work. Just came out of a contract with the Dominion Government.”

“Oh, sounds exciting!  What were you working on?”

“I was mostly just an electronic repair and comms man. I’m also pretty good with digital systems. How long have you been on the ship?”


“This is my third trip out, the other two worked out alright, but we’re heading back so soon this time.  Hardly anyone aboard.”

She seems briefly disappointed.

“But hey, means you can hog all the personal service!”

She smiles at him.  


Anyone from the Electorate?

“Ever met anyone from the Electorate before?”

“Not that I am aware of.”

“So I’m one of your first?”

She doesn’t wait for an answer but continues, “well, there’s all sorts here, most nice, some not so, but people who come through here seem to think we’re a lot more, uh, ‘free market’ than you folks.  They say it can take some getting used to, especially the ones that have only worked for the Dominion government.

“Though if you’ve done private work, it might not be so bad?” 

“Free market?”


“Your – the – government seems to provide, and control, most of the things in the Dominion.  Here private individuals and companies do so much more.  It means everyone has to negotiate and work together a lot more to get things done, but there’s so much more freedom here to have and do what you want, and the colour of the tag around your neck doesn’t dictate your opportunities in life.”  


Leaving anyone behind?  

“Are you leaving anyone behind?”

“Other than family, no.”

“Aw, that sad…”

She pauses, “Or is it?  Some people love their families, others, not so much?”

“My family were very kind and diligent with me. They aren’t why I left.”


“Good and bad then, do they know you’re here?  Coming later maybe?”  


Spice in your sauce?  

“Do you like much spice in your sauce?”

“Moderate amounts is fine, I don’t cope well with heavy heat.”

Once Oliver has waded through the above barrage, this is near the end, as she’s adding seasoning to his meal as the finishing touches.

“A man of moderation?”

“You might say that. Until you saw my coffee.”


She laughs, “what, big and strong?”  



Moloney will stay and chat as long as he likes, particularly with any follow-on to the above.  She’s being gently flirtatious, but only as long as Oliver seems comfortable with the behaviour. 


2 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    //“But hey, means you can hog all the personal service!”
    He gives a polite smile. “I mean if you’re telling me I don’t have to eat meal packs the whole way, I won’t say no.”

    //the colour of the tag around your neck doesn’t dictate your opportunities in life.”
    He genuinely seems curious about that idea. His face might drop after a few moments though. “Who tells the strongest individuals and companies they can’t just ruin it for everyone else?”

    //“Good and bad then, do they know you’re here? Coming later maybe?”
    “They know I’m gone and I won’t be contactable. I doubt they’ll come.”

    //She laughs, “what, big and strong?”
    He laughs too. “No, no. Sweeter than a baby fuzzferret (or alternative if that’s not appropriate.).” He tongues a wisdom tooth. “I’m amazed I don’t have any cavities.”

  2. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver seems comfortable any may try and match the mood but I think it might be out of attempting to be the chameleon than actual interest.

    After their chat he will return to his room.

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