K-032: Independent Transporter Welcome Wagon, Mess (Hyperspace)
“Try this,” she says, and pours him a sweet Basi wine in a low-G-safe cup.
Unlike any Dominion ship he’s been on, which maintain artificial gravity at 1G in Hyperspace, Welcome Wagon is running at about 0.3G – Oliver’s gecko overshoes are likely proving useful.
Moloney sets about the area behind the counter, soon creating cooking smells. She chatters to Oliver as she works preparing his meal, peppering him with questions.
“So, you’re from the Dominion right? How do you like us so far?”
“What’d you use to do back over the border?”
“Ever met anyone from the Electorate before?”
“Are you leaving anyone behind?”
“Do you like much spice in your sauce?”
Oliver can respond, or not, ask questions in response. If he indicates discomfort with any particular line of questioning, she will immediately change the topic.
I assume Oliver enjoys it.
“I am. You all seem pleasant, so far.”
“I shifted between private and public work. Just came out of a contract with the Dominion Government.”
“Not that I am aware of.”
“Other than family, no.”
“Moderate amounts is fine, I don’t cope well with heavy heat.”