K-011: Independent Transporter Welcome Wagon (Nonoop System, near the Nav Buoy)

Channing turns right and moves anti-clockwise around the ring.  Allen follows silently, Hill and Santos remain behind in the cargo airlock. 

She stops in front of two doors.  The one on the right is labelled as the access to the cargo hold, and is festooned with warning stickers:

Cargo Hold Access Hatch


No Access Unless Hold Pressurised!

The door on the left is the elevator she mentioned earlier.  

“If you need to go to sickbay you can talk to one of the other stewards, or use the elevator to go to the Mid Deck.  Sickbay to just to the right next to the elevator as you exit.  The Lower Deck is off limits.”

She continues around the ring past the elevator to the next door, opens it.

“In here is the Mess and Rec room.”

She proceeds down a short corridor past a door labelled Passenger Cabin 7 and into a large space, shaped approximately like a quarter circle with the corner cut out. 

In the corner opposite the door are various cupboards with labels like Games, Sports Equipment, Crafts.  A couple of pieces of exercise equipment are nearby.  In the middle of the room, leaning against the corner-cut wall are stacks of tables, secured in racks.  Two tables with chairs are set up in the middle of the room, legs secured into floor slots, looking lonely in the large space.

Around the corner of the room is a servery counter with galley equipment and food storage lockers behind it.  Behind the counter, an attractive blonde woman is cleaning and stacking things. 

“We don’t have many people aboard right now – it’s pretty quiet as you can see.  That’s Steward Moloney, she serves breakfast and is one of our medics.  All the stewards are independent contractors and you can negotiate with them to provide various personal services for a fee.”

Indeed, there is no-one here but Oliver, Channing, Allen and Moloney.  At the sound of her name she turns and waves brightly to Oliver.

“Welcome aboard, Stranger!”

Channing continues, “Meals are every six Ultrads starting at 6.  We provide basic meals at those times, or you can purchase upgrades.”

She gestures to a device on the wall showing the digits 07.13 – presumably it’s a clock.

“You’ve just missed breakfast.”

However, by Oliver’s body clock, he’s late for dinner.

“If you get hungry between times, you can buy a meal from the stewards or use the vending machines for a snack.”

She points at some machines in the Galley area.

“Do you want to discuss currency exchange?”  



1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver will wave to Moloney.

    Does 7.13 match up with dominion time in any way?

    “I think that would be helpful.”

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