K-003: Independent Transporter Welcome Wagon, Cargo Hold (docked with Spanial near the Nonoop Nav Buoy)


Oliver remembers Jennie said this“Where we’d call each other ‘Mer’ they refer to us as ‘Stranger’, though they tend to use our titles when they know them, to be polite.  I got called ‘Executive Officer Senth’ a lot.  They refer to each other as ‘Elector’.”


Welcome Wagon

Chief Steward Channing responds, explaining not unkindly, “We,” she indicates herself and the others in the cargo hold, “are Electors – we’ve taken franchise.  People who haven’t taken franchise are Members of the Electorate – similar to Dominion Mers, like you.  You’re neither at this point, so your honorific is Stranger.  Stranger Oliver.

“And, yes, we can assist with migration.”

She looks past him into Spanial’s hold, “it’s just you, is that right?”

Question:  Is Oliver’s Mer ID tag visible?


3 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    “Right, sorry. I was told you call each other Elector. Wasn’t sure if I shared the right.”

    “It’s just me.” It would be if it normally would be. He wouldn’t have hid it.

  2. If I recall, Oliver keeps his tag around his neck. Is it usually visible or inside his shirt?

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