I-133-Lia: Roseman, The Bounding Bush

“Well, when you mention ‘Roseman’ most people’s response is ‘where’s that?’  But, that’s the point, Roseman is on the border of Octant 3 and Octant 7, out near the edge of the Dominion Sphere.  Octant 3 has the Separatist border and all the illicit movement across it, Seven has piracy and possibly other things outside the sphere on the rise, rumour also has it that we sit between the territories of a couple of big criminal gangs and there’s various questionable business between them.  There’s ll sorts of things moving back and forth through here.

“All told, it’s an interesting place to be a CO.”

She raises her eyebrows and takes a mouthful of her drink.



1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia widens her eyes and raises her own eyebrows.

    “Seriously? You get all that happening here?”

    She appears mildly impressed.

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