I-031-Oliver: Spanial, Common Room (Hyperspace to Roseman)

EMP Grenade [prototype commencing 211.458]

Huzzah indeed.


Jennie [211.459]

She seems pleased he knows of the magazine she mentioned; I’m happy to agree either that he actually does or is just lying to her, as you prefer.

She responds, “I am, it’s useful for maintaining professional development.”

She’s looking for his reaction, “so, if you can write up what you did with the data for the methods section, and then some notes on the parts where we worked together on the results-”

Here she breaks into a technical description of some of the work they did together, so he’s clear what she means. 

“- then I can put the rest together and then send it to you to review.  Would that be alright?”

For background, Oliver has an AHE in a comp/sci discipline – I’m sure he’s familiar with the structure of a journal article/ lab report and would have had to write some as part of his studies. 

If you wish, you may may make a Psychology roll.


Money Card Reader [211.462]

On hold.


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    I feel with his combination of curious and his memory he would have at least seen an issue on a table at the doctor’s office or somewhere similar and read through it, so I think he at the very least knows the name and may have read a few issues.

    “Sure, I’m happy to help with that. One condition though.”

    6 vs 11 on Psych

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