H-549: Cap Isle, Victory Hotel, Private Room
How attentive is Lia being to Raina as she’s speaking? Is she watching closely or being more inwardly reflective?
Raina is being quite still and controlled, giving little away with her body language.
“Would a written contract make you feel more comfortable about such an arrangement?”
Lia can see Raina’s reflection quite clearly in the glass. I imagine body language would be easily read but I will leave the level of intricacy in facial expression up to GM’s choice given that it is still a reflection.
Lia has a bit of a buzz from the whiskey but she is certainly highly attuned to Raina right now.
Lia turns her head and watches Raina over her shoulder.
“I’m afraid that sort of arrangement isn’t something I am interested in at this time.”
She is still speaking in that incredibly measured tone.