H-535: Cap Isle, Victory Hotel, Private Room

Raina ponders Lia for several seconds, a knuckle uncharacteristically to her chin.

“Hmmm, interesting.”

 She doesn’t elaborate.


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    The Winta facade flickers for a little longer before giving out completely, leaving Lia staring shrewdly at Raina.

    She sips her whiskey and recrosses her legs. They are now facing away from Raina.

    “You are not making this easy for me.”

    A beat.

    “You must know that allowing you access to any ‘problems’ I might be having would ensure that you are spending time with me, rather than Emerald Winta. There are excellent reasons for the strong separation of those two… people.”

    She looks away after another beat.

    “Besides, I am not entirely certain what kind of problems you think I might have that you could solve. I would say that you would be engaged to solve problems on a far larger scale than anything within my little world.”

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