H-516: Cap Isle, Victory Hotel, Private Room

She pauses for a fraction of time, perhaps assessing that her comment about getting defensive may not have landed as she intended, but decides to move on without comment.

She moves from the doorway, crosses the room to the low table and bends to retrieve something from it.  As she straightens and turns to Lia, she’s caught in Lia’s shadow as another flash of lightning illuminates the room around her.  

“I thought, given the way I brought you here, that it might be… reasonable… to get you something.”

She approaches Lia and proffers a small box on the flat of her hand.


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    There is a flash of something that crosses Lia’s face very quickly before being ruthlessly crushed. Then her eyes narrow considerably as she regards the box in Raina’s hand before sliding up to her face. She is suddenly very still.

    “You thought you could buy me… something.”

    There is a lack of any inflection in her voice.

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