H-504: Cap Isle, Victory Hotel, Private Room

The inner doors open for her and she is in a short L-shaped corridor.  Assuming she proceeds and turns the corner, the corridor opens out onto the private room proper.  

It is warmly lit, and maintains the hotel’s apparently universal brown-and-mustard styling.  A dining table with two chairs has been set near the centre of the room, though slightly offset, a candle flickering in a glass sconce.  To one side is a couch with and some soft chairs with a low table and a lamp.  Another door, closed, leads off to the side.

Soft, slightly jazzy music is playing.

Ahead, standing side-on to the window, watching the storm and lightning and occasionally lit by a flash from outside is Raina.

She turns, in a soft voice, “Come in Lia – Winta?”


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia won’t make it very far into the room before she spots Raina and stops. She is a little startled to see another person initially, then that reaction freezes over when she realises who she is looking at and the possible implications of that person being in this room, whilst Cinna has run off…

    Raina will be able to see this realisation flash across her face as she puts two and two together and it is evident that she is not happy. She spares a glance in the direction of the doors through which she just entered and the general direction that Cinna went before swiveling her head back to glare at Raina.

    And it is a glare.

    She crosses her arms and says one word…


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