H-486: Little Isle Manor House, Shooting Range

Zap Ring

Lia’s ring is, indeed, a tiny electrolaser.  Which reminds me that I’ve been procrastinating on writing up its stats for several years now.


Shooting Range

In terms of construction, the electrolaser carbine is made mostly of lightweight metal – probably some kind of aluminium alloy – with foregrip, pistol grip and the butt plate on the end of the narrow shoulder stock tube covered in a black rubbery material.  The short barrel with the laser and electro emitters inside a shroud ends just ahead of the foregrip.  There’s a ring sight on the rear top of the receiver with a dot in the middle for Lia to line up with the front sight dot above the foregrip.  It looks like the exposed metal parts have been deliberately dulled with some sort of coating so it’s a dark grey. There’s a small display panel visible to the firer with simple information about the state of the weapon – loaded/unloaded, shots remaining in the battery, safety on or off, etc.

The weapons stats are here, if you’re interested.

Unfortunately, Lia’s High Manual Dexterity Advantage does not apply to combat rolls (I rule that even though this is not technically combat, use of a weapon skill does not qualify for the High Manual Dexterity bonus).

Raina will touch her and in a couple of instances will physically maneuver her (“put the stock firmly into the your shoulder socket “) – unless she avoids the touch or says something, will she?  

Raina is patient and answers all her questions fully, checking for understanding.

When Lia is ready she will point downrange at a simple bullseye target.  You may roll to see how Lia does, or we can assume her performance is generally commensurate with her skill level.   (Being unskilled, she uses DX-4 as a default to hit a target, and will suffer an unfamiliarity penalty for the weapon of -2 until she gets used to it.  However, Raina will be teaching her to aim, which gives her a +8 for one second of aim from the weapon’s accuracy, or +10 for 3 seconds of aim.)


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    You said many words about guns that were definitely words but quite possibly could have been Scandinavian for all the sense they made to me, who has never even seen a gun in person 😜 Given that Lia is both looking at and touching said gun, I assume she can make more sense of some of those words than I can. I’m going to say that Raina is paying more than enough attention to notice that the concept of electrolasers is far from foreign to Lia, although she is obviously unfamiliar with this weapon. The description of what the weapon does and how it does it makes a little light go on in Lia’s face and perks up her attention quite clearly.

    Lia does not resist or shy away from being touched or moved but she does give Raina that same challenging stare the first time it happens. It’s almost as if she is daring her to cross the line that Lia has laid down, whilst being aware that this particular activity allows Raina to skate along the edge without risking the consequences.

    As Raina gets up close and personal with Lia, she will find that peaches and cream with a hint of the heat of brandy scent filling her nostrils. It’s not overpowering, but it entices a person to breathe deeply to experience the full subtlety of the scent. Raina will also catch hints of coconut and vanilla from Lia’s hair and she will discover that Lia’s skin is buttery soft and smooth to the touch. This is not the skin of someone who has worked hard for a living. If she touches Lia’s hands whilst maneuvering her grip, she may notice certain calluses on her palm and fingers. Lia is left handed.

    She will take as much time as she feels necessary in order to aim at the target, getting used to how the weapon feels in her arms and hands before she fires.

    I rolled a 9 vs 11-6 for Dex, which is a fail by 4 but with the aiming time, should hit.

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