H-482: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge

Amusement, perhaps?  Enjoyment – possibly.  It isn’t bitter.

Lia notes that Angela is still watching them carefully, intent on keeping her face a mask.

The bottom pancake is still warm…



We have some options – we could deal with the remainder of Lia’s stay at Raina’s manor in a slightly more abstracted fashion, or continue to detail the interactions between them.  Do you have a preference?  In particular, is Lia going to press the conversation in the was she has been?  Are there specifics you’d like to know?  Also, if Lia opts for a more active way to spend their time, such as the shooting range, then the conversation will be more activity focussed, but something like a walk around the grounds lends itself more to continuing conversation.

What’s your preference?  Will Lia continue the conversation after eating?


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Firstly, she will eat the hell out of that bottom pancake because she is not a crazy person. Obviously.

    Secondly, she is interested to see how Raina will direct their interaction post breakfast and if their conversation thus far has deterred her from pursuing more time with Lia. She is mildly curious about the shooting range, though it will be quite clear that this is more of an intellectual curiosity, rather than an active desire to learn the skill. Lia has no objection to guns on the whole, she just doesn’t see them as useful to her. She prefers methods that are more up close and personal. She will happily go along with that activity if it is presented again. She is wearing the wrong shoes for a walk 😜

    Thirdly, I am happy to deal with the rest of this visit in a more abstract way. I do recognise that playing these past interactions means that there’s an awful lot of conversation and not a lot of plot for you to play with 😉

    Finally, in terms of the information I would like to glean from these past encounters, I would like to know what led up to Raina switching her approach with Lia into attempting to book her services as a client. Then how exactly their contract came about and lastly, what requirements and expectations have shaped their appointments since the contract has been in place.

    I am happy to leave it up to you to decide which of those moments should be played in detail and which in the abstract. 😁

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