H-478: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge

“You want details.”

It’s a statement, addressing Lia’s obvious encouraging mannerism. 

Raina pauses briefly.†

“The nature of what I do requires that I compartmentalise, so I have what you might call concentric rings of trust and risk that I establish in different areas of my life; some rings are empty because of the risk of filling them with the wrong people is high.” 


† Briefly, not several days.


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia takes a moment to process the various implications of that statement. There is a flicker that looks as if she might ask something before choosing instead to nod consideringly.

    “That makes sense. It also begs the question…”

    It’s possible Lia has more than one question here.

    “… how does one establish that level of trust with someone? It seems as if that might take a lengthy vetting process. So therefore it’s easier not to bother trying?”

    She lets that hang for a minute.

    “Sounds lonely…”

    There’s a small twinkle in her eye there.

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