H-474: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge

“Reversion, to an earlier topic.

“You reacted strongly to what I said, more so than I expected.  So, I’ve misread the situation or there’s more going on here than I thought.  Either way, I thought a circuit breaker might be useful. 

“Particularly if you decided to call me out on such an obviously cowardly, avoidant tactic.”

She also lets that sit for a beat.

“A gap in your skills we should fix.”


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She gets a small smile in response to the mention of cowardice.

    She tilts her head and relaxes her shoulders a little.

    “It’s a topic I’ve learned to deal with swiftly, before any… misunderstandings can occur. Particularly if there are high stakes involved and I don’t want to burn bridges. It’s not personal, it’s just business. I’m quite certain you understand how difficult such liaisons might be in my line of work.”

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